Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Unit 2 Feudalism- Glossary (iii)

Keep (fortaleza) castle
Bailey (muralla exterior) castle's outer wall
Battering ram (ariete) it is a siege engine designed to break open the masonry walls of fortifications or splinter their wooden gates
Ariete: máquina militar que se empleaba antiguamente para batir murallas, consistente en una viga larga y muy pesada, uno de cuyos extremos estaba reforzado con una pieza de hierro o bronce, labrada, por lo común, en forma de cabeza de carnero.
Masonry (mampostería, sillería)
Mangonel (catapulta)
Drawbridge (Puente levadizo)
Moat (foso) trench around a castle
Portcullis (verja levadiza) castle gate that is raised and lowered
Spiral staircase (escalera caracol)
Machicolation (matacán) it is a floor opening between the supporting corbels of a battlement, through which stones, or other objects, could be dropped on attackers at the base of a defensive wall
Corbel (ménsula) wall bracket
Bracket (soporte)
Battlement (almena) fortification
Arrow slit (apertura para flechas) it is a thin vertical aperture in a fortification through which an archer can launch arrows
Slit (fisura)

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