Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Changes in Population in the 14th and 15th centuries and The Black Death- GLOSSARY

Increase growth in size, strength, or quality
Decrease the amount by which a thing is lessened
Expansion the act or process of expanding. Expanding to spread out or be spread out; unfold; stretch out
Surplus an amount, quantity, etc., greater than needed
Improvement an act of improving or the state of being improved
Decline a downward movement, such as of prices or population
Buboes An inflamed swelling of a lymph node, especially in the area of the armpit or groin, that is characteristic of certain infections, such as bubonic plague.
Catastrophe An event that causes great damage and suffering.
Chronicle An account of events arranged in the order they took place.
Epidemic A major outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly to a lot of people.

Mortality The death rate as a result of a particular cause.

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